Aquafina Purified Water
Pure Water; Perfect Taste: That’s Aquafina and that’s why it is the top-selling bottled water brand in the United States. Aquafina starts with public source water then utilizes PepsiCo’s own 7-Step Purification System (HydRO-7) which includes pre-filtration treatment to remove larger particles, two stages of polishing filtering, charcoal filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet & ozone sterilization. This process removes substances that may remain in other bottle water and produces a water that is nothing but PURE WATER. Let’s face it, water is the essence of life; and with Aquafina there’s no compromising the quality of the water you drink. You deserve the best; demand the best: Aquafina.
Chippewa Spring Water
Chippewa Spring Water originates from a spring located in the wooded hills near Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. From a deep bed of granite, this spring water flows at a rate of 100,000 gallons every 24-hours. Scientific analysis shows that Chippewa Spring Water is the purest, softest spring water in the world. Free of organic contaminates , Chippewa Spring Water is pure; it needs no artificial treatment to make it safe; it relies solely on the natural filtration of a glacial formation that began over 500 million years ago. It is as pure today as it was when it was first tested over a century ago. Chippewa Spring Water is oxygenated and sparkling crystal-clear; it’s Earth’s Perfect Water.
Klarbrunn Pure Drinking Water
In the early 1800’s, European settlers discovered Artesian springs that brought clear, fresh water from deep underground. They called these natural formulations “klarbrunn” (klar-BROON) meaning “clear spring. Today, sourced from a natural Artesian well, and utilizing state-of-the-art filtration and ozonation, Klarbrunn Pure Drinking Water is pure refreshment containing a well balanced mineral content that delivers an excellent taste profile and health benefits. This high quality water is value-priced and available in lightweight, resealable 20-Ounce and 1/2-liter bottles.